Building a new web site or refreshing an old one


For whatever reason, recently I've been asked by multiple, unrelated people to help them with advice regarding either building a new or refreshing an existing web site. The advice is usually much the same, and since it comes up pretty often, I thought I'd write it down for easier sharing...

At the end of the process above, you should have a useful, informative and visually pleasing web site. Congratulations! You are not done...

Web sites are only useful if they have useful content and lots of traffic. But where does the traffic come from? Realistically, from search engines, such as Even the new AI chatbots (like ChatGPT) are based on the same data that search engines use (they scrape, or "spider" your web site periodically). So how do you get search engines to pay attention to you?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a topic onto itself, but broadly they are looking for:

There are also some things to watch out for and avoid:

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